28. april · 2017 | International, OrkesterEfterskolen
Megan skal starte på OrkesterEfterskolen til sommer og spiller i Young Dublin Symphonia, som OrkesterEfterskolen lige har besøgt i Dublin. Megan har været så sød at skrive lidt om sin oplevelse med OrkesterEfterskolen:
My name is Megan, I’m 15 years old and I play violin in Young Dublin Symphonia. When I heard that our orchestra were going to be visited by Orkester Efterskolen for a week, I was especially looking forward to it because I’m going to the school next year. I was also nervous because this was the first time I’d see how everyone got along at Ork, and I was trying to figure out whether I’ll be alright when I go next year. But I didn’t need to worry at all because everyone was so lovely and welcoming; and so entertained by my terrible Danish when they tried to teach me. The first day, everyone got time to settle in before the madness. We had a full day rehearsal on Saturday and then over the next few days we went into Dublin City, climbed (and at one point lost) a mountain, played a massive and very competitive game of football, did some serious dancing, attempted to learn all the “important” phrases in each other’s languages, and one brave, or crazy, person even went swimming in a waterfall. The whole thing went by way too quickly. I had such a great time and it was so nice to meet everyone. I’m really excited to be going next year.